Application Security

Protecting the application stack across the software development lifecycle and supply chain.

Application development thrives on speed. Teams are embracing cloud, Agile and DevSecOps to produce as much as they can as fast as they can to stay market leaders.

Because applications thrive on speed so must your security. Embed application security from the start to be built for speed and scale.

Reimagine application security

  • Quickly see critical issues

    Provide executives insight into key metrics and true risk impact to validate business decisions.

  • Accelerate remediation

    Get clear guidance in developer language on how to resolve issues, and an option of hands-on managed support.

  • Prioritize actions

    Know vulnerabilities to fix, eliminate duplicates and false positives, and prioritize based on compliance requirements and enterprise risk tolerance.

  • Operate at scale

    Apply automation to reduce manual tasks, so secure development and remediation efforts can support the entire application landscape.